Saturday, June 30, 2007

Change Management - Global

From where does global change derive? How can we use global change to promote deeper learning across the globe?

Global change is really difficult to impact unless you are in a position of great authority. Even if you are on the cutting edge as an educator, you are really more of an early adopter of technology. Being a change agent means finding ways to leverage the coming innovations.

Yankelovich in his article, Ferment and Change, talks about the value of understanding other cultures and languages. He also touches on the need to explore how others see things as far as theory versus fact. I think this is his way of saying that we need to be change agents by finding ways to leverage the new connections and innovations that will present themselves in the next 10 years. The change trends he describes will undoubtedly impact the way do business and learn in the future. But they will also connect us to people we never would have imagined being connected to before.

In my previous post, I talked about how my local environment seemed to be expanding as I am interacting with people who do not live close to me. I think if we embrace the new technologies that connect us like instant messaging, wikis, and virtual worlds, we will find that our local learning environment will be global.

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